Thursday, July 15, 2010

*Unofficial Post*

First off, by the poll results, CloverClan will not have music.

Second off, it has been decided that Cloverstreak will be the mother of the next prophesied kits (BTW, you have to have four kits and two of them die).

Last, I am having a caption contest to see what two people will get to play Tidekit and Runningkit. The contest will be over on the 20th. The only rule is that if you are deputy, one of thhe medicine cats, or Starrynight, you cannot enter (because you have a high position or are going to play some of the prophecy cats). Good luck!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yoda use force, push cat away.

  3. Oh pleez, oh pleez don't fart in my face!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have two:

    Starclan, Fred, couldn't you have eaten a lighter breakfast?!


    I'm beginning to wonder if this is all worth it for a cheeseburger...

    If I can only have one caption, pick the one that makes you laugh more ;)

  6. this is mine...

    did you have to eat those 2 mice before you climed onto my sholders?

  7. Itsn't there another way to get over? Ur butt kind stinks...

    (not sure i really want to play as them....but im not sure. i just wanted to put in a caption)

  8. (BTW, Cloverstreak, you need to have your kits, like, now.)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. OW! Why'd he have to swipe that twoleg food?! Oh, I hope it wasn't chili!

  11. Oh, ok. I'll just be in the nursery then...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry messed on the above one:

    I am seriously starting to reconsider helping you over this fence. . . . .


    Black kitteh: IM ALMOST THEIR!
    White kitteh: Really!?? Can you get off of me yet??
    Black kitteh: Umm nooo
    White kitteh: . . . . . Your no where near the top are you?
    Black kitten: Nope!
