Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Camp Clearing

This is the camp clearing where you can do. . . . well, anything really.



  1. Mistfire walked up to Otterpaw and asked, almost embarressed, "Wanna go hunting?"


  2. Otterpaw blinked "Um sure" he nodded getting up to stretch, his muscles rippling. Everyday he was beginning to look more and more like a warrior and less like an apprentice.

  3. She felt the tip of her ears go red hot. "Um, okay. Wanna go. . . .?" she said, shuffling her paws, not sure what to do. StarClan, he's so cute snd nice, she thought.


  4. "River Oak?" Otterpaw suggested. "Whats wrong with you? Your normally not this. . . .confused" he smiled.

  5. "Nothing. Sure," she miled back, then, trying to act more like herself, headed to River Oak with Otterpaw.

    (Comment there next. Man, we need to start cboxing again.)

  6. Fernpaw heard their conversation. She stalks after them to the River Oak.


  7. (I know riight?? I feel empty lol)

  8. Eaglefeather looked around the camp. Where is my apprentice?He thought to himself as he looked.


  9. Icefrost was walking around camp bored out of her head. She decided she would go for a little hunting, and heads toward the River Oak. There should be prey around here, she thought. On the way, she saw Otterpaw and Mistfire walking towards the same path. Hmm, they're probably hunting too, she though as she ran to catch up with them. "Mind if I hunt with you guys?" she asked.


  10. " Hey, Icefrost, do you want to hunt with me?"

    Tigerfang padded up.

  11. (umm I'm at the Medicine den now....so....can't relly hunt with you. I would love to though! :) )

  12. As she walked out of the nursery, she spotted a pool of water outside a den that smelled strongly. "Oh! There's some water."


  13. "Are you sure thats water?" Tidekit sniffed setting down the moss "It smells funny!"

  14. Sne leaned down and sniffed. "Yes, the smell is coming from in there," she said pointing to the den with her tail.


  15. "What's that smell though?" Tidekit curled his upper lip. "It doesn't smell good at all!"

  16. "Your telling me you don't know? Your almost an apprentice!"


    (BTW, his memory was wiped out, ut he lived in this clan for about (in clan times) 1 moon.)

  17. "Well sheesh!" Tidekit growls "I don't wanna play catch anymore though, it seemed kinda boring. Wanna play battle?"

  18. She groaned. "No way, that's an unfair fight. But we can play tag," she says smiling. "Your it!" Then, she scampers off.


  19. Tidekit rolled his eyes and scampered after her, his tail held high, using his longer legs to his advantage.

  20. Wavekit quickly turned to the left and propelled herself up a thin, nearby tree.


  21. Tidekit shot up after her, clinging to each branch then jumping back up. "Come back here!"

  22. She climbed down a few branches, Tidekit catching up fst. From the branch she was on, after a deep breath, Wavekit jumped down. She tumbled into soft grass, then stood up and dashed away from the treee.


  23. Tidekit growled, and turned around swiftly, barreling back down the tree. He stumbled when he hit the grass but caught up swiftly to Wavekit. With the very tip of his tail he touch Wavekit on the back "Your it!" he screeched, turning around and shooting back towards the tree.

  24. She followed him up the tree, jumping from branch to branch. Right when Wavekit thought she had him, she leaped at him, misjudging her aim, Wavekit landed next to him. She scrambled on the branch and lost her balance and fell, only holding on with her claws.


  25. Tidekit looked down at Wavekit "Are you okay? Need help?" he said already extending a paw.

  26. Wavekit looked up at him with a glare and mutters, "You think?" She grabbed his paw in her teeth and yanked herself up.


  27. "Oow!" Tidekit whimpered as Wavekit pulled herself up "You could have been gentler!"

  28. honeyfern's 3 kits walk through the clearing and stop when they see wavekit haging from a branch.

    "are,you ok wavekit?"askes bluekit already climing up.


  29. her too litter mates wait for her on the ground.[bluekit is the adventurouse one in her litter.]

  30. "How else am I going to get up (she's like a Squirrelflight)? And, yes," she answers Bluekit.


  31. [basacly,]
    bluekit breaths outs."i though you were going to fall!what are you 2 playing?"she askes tidekit and wavekit.

  32. She turns to Bluekit. "Tag," she states.


  33. "I don't know, maybe, bite gentler?" Tidekit rolled his eyes "We were playing tag, but Wavekit decided she wanted to play 'Lets Bite Tidekits Paw Off!'"

  34. "cool can we play?"she askes them.


  35. Tidekit gasped "You want to bite me paw off!??"

  36. [i mean tag not "let's bite tidekit's paw off".]

  37. She laughed. "That would be fun!"

    (Echoleaf, come on the cbox with us.)


  38. "bluekit looked at him funny."why would i do that? i ment tag!"she told him annoyed that he would realy think that for a second.


  39. (LOL I know, just thought would be funny to put)

    "That would not! That would hurt!" Tidekit tucked his paws underneath them.

  40. [where's the chat box?]

  41. (On the sidebar, to the right.)

    Making her move, she tapped Tidekit with her paw and flew down the tree, leaving Bluekit behind. "Run! Tidekit's it!"


  42. (it should be on the side bar near the patrols and recent comments thing)

  43. Tidekit growled and launched himself off of the brance, hurling himself at Bluekit.

  44. She looked behind her to see Bluekit about to be tagged.


  45. bluekit dauged just in time and then fallowed wavekit down the tree!

  46. [i still can't find the cbox!]

  47. Tidekit missed and sailed through the air. His claws scraped the leaves but he couldn't get a hold. He yowled as he plummeted to the ground.

  48. "are you ok?"bluekit asked stoping for a second to make sure he was fine.


  49. "Tidekit!" she squeaked out.


  50. (Okay, do you see the thing on the sidebar that says, 'Prophecy?' Well, below that is the cbox.)

  51. Molekit and Lilykit walk into the clearing, absorbing everything. Finally, Molekit turned to the three kits and asks, "Can we play?"

  52. With a muffled thuhd Tidekit landed in a lump of fur near the fresh-kill pile "Ooowww!" he groaned trying to get up. "I think Im fine"

  53. She let out a puff of air and turned to her littermates. "Sure! But let's play something else. Like battle! The teams would be even if it's me, Lilykit, and Molekit verse Bluekit and you," she meows to Tidekit.


  54. "Okay I am up for it! Wheres Breezekit?" Tidekit stood up stretching his claws.

  55. "ok!"answrs bluekit.


    "can i play?i'll be on bluekit and tidekit's team"says scorchkit.

    [sweetkit went to see the elders so she won't play.]

  56. "He didn't want to come out," she said, answering his question.


  57. "Well, yeah, okay," she replies.


  58. "Okay! Now thats even!" Tidekie mowed going to touch his teamates on the back with his tail "Huddle up!" he says loudly then whispers "We need a plan, Ill be leader since I am oldest. Who wants to take on Wavekit?"

  59. "Okay, here's the plan," she whispers to her littermates and spills out what to do.


  60. "i will",says bluekit eagerly."i'll take on lilykit!"says scorchkit.

    ~bluekit and scorchkit

  61. "That leaves me for you, Tidekit," he says peeping up, hearing who's going for who.


  62. Tidekit twitched his ear in her direction. "Ill get Molekit!" he whispered "Break!" he says loudly and forms a line facing the other team.

  63. bluekit wispers now.[out of the other teams hearing]"we should have a tactic,or stratigie."


  64. (LOL, you sound like a guarterback.)

    "Okay, you know what to do, so do it!" she says and they all run towards them. Wavekitsits down patiently while both Lilykit and Molekit tackle Tidekit.


  65. bluekit stand infront of wavekit."what are the rules when play fighting?"she askes everyone.


  66. bluekit jumps at wavekit!not waiting for an anserw since the fighting had already begun.

  67. (No claws. And whoever surrender's first, wins.)

  68. "No time Bluekit!" Tidekit yowls running out of Molekits paws.

  69. She quickly rolled onto her back and pushed Bluekit into the air with her hindlegs.


  70. Lilykit pounced on Tidekit's tail, while that leaves him struggling to get away. Molekit tackles him, pinning him by the shoulder.

  71. bluekit lads and jumps at wavekit again,tis time pretending to jump onto her back but last second WITH CLAWS SHEATHED raked wavekit's side instead.[that way it didn't hurt wavekit.]


  72. Tidekit heaved up ward, making Molekit fly away. He turned around hitting Lillykit on the face with the pad of his paws.

  73. (kk)

    She rolled onto her side, squashing Bluekit, pinning her down.


  74. scorchkit pulled lilykit off tidekit and tackled her ,batting her with his paws.[CLAWS SHEATHED and not hard enough to hurt her!]

  75. She let out a shriek, jumping on his, head, unbalancing him. Taking advantage of this, Molekit swipes Tidekit's paws from under him. Both kits pinning the older tom down.

  76. [wavekit can't sqaush bluekit because bluekit only pretended to jump onto wavekit's back,she realy raked her side, WITH CLAWS SHEATHED raked wavekit's side instead.[that way it didn't hurt wavekit.]

  77. (Echoleaf, can that last comment be AFTER mine? Thx.)

    Lilykit pumeled at his belly (lightly) and pulled him off.

  78. "Ack!" Tidekit grunted he squirmed around "Bluekit!"

  79. (Yes, she could. I said rolled onto her SIDE and squashed Bluekit.)

  80. scorchkit comes to rescue tidekit and pulled the other two kits off him,"need any help?"he askes.


  81. Lilykit ran back to Tidekit and resumed her place, helping to hold him down firmly.

  82. "Im fine now, thanks" Tidekit grunted siting back up. He launched himself at Molekit, battering his paws down his face and belly.

  83. Molekit swiped Scorchkit away, sending him crashing into Bluekit. That way, he pinned Tidekit, Wavekit pinned Bluekit, and Lilykit pinned Scorchkit.

  84. Tidekit kicked out with his back legs, hitting Lilykit in the face.

  85. [ok.]"coming!"bluekit anserws tidekit.get out of wavekit's grip.joining him and her brother she says"why don't we form a cicle and face the outside that way we can all help each other."


  86. (Echoleaf, Lilykit likes Scorchkit.)

  87. Tidekit growled "Don't give up!" he encouraged and lundged upwards biting Molekit (softly lol) on the neck.

  88. "Thats a good idea! Gather!" Tidekit nods to Scorchkit.

  89. When Scorchkit tries to gett up, she slamms him down, enforcing her grip.


  90. [she pulls lilykit off scorchkit before the end of my earlier coment.]

  91. Wakekit did the same to Bluekit.

  92. Tidekit growled launching himself at Lilykit,gripping her neck with his mouth and flinging her away from them.

  93. [ok,scorchkit likes lilykit too.]
    bluekit,comes to her brothers rescue again.

  94. (But you didn't read my comment. Wavekit pinned Bluekit before she could.)

  95. only to be pinned by wavekit.[sorry]

  96. (MOLEkit)

    He sniffed, but stood back up and ran at Tidekit.

  97. Tidekit pounded his way towards Wakekit, tackling her with all of his might. He crush her under his bigger weight.

  98. bluekit,lets her body go limp in surrender.[not realy she's only pretending but wavekit doesn't know,ok?]

  99. As Tidekit did so, Molekit saw his chance and tackled him, flinging him off Wavekit, who under his weight, had also crushed Bluekit.

  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. Tidekit slithered away from Molekit, trying to fling himself back at Wavekit.

  102. the warning didn't get there in time and she ends up crused.

  103. bluekit jumps at molekit and pinns himto the ground.[sorry about the earlier coment i'm just not typing fast enough!]

  104. When Tidekit launched himself at Wavekit, Molekit blocked his path while she had Bluekit pinned by the head and shoulder. Lilykit still had Scorchkit pinned down.

  105. (What about it? Sorry, I accidently deleted it. I meant to deletemy 'Okay.')

  106. Tidekit sidestepped and tackled Wavekit, running at her as fast he could.

  107. [it's ok.]scorchkitracked[VERY GENTLY] lilykits belly.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. bleukit saw this was her chace and strugled free of wavekits grip,and pinned her by the sholders and back legs before she could do anything.[gently of coarse!]

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. never mind the other comment when i posted it your comments wheren't posted yet!

  112. (LOL sorry about the top comment)

    "Yeah right! We win!! We win!!" Tidekit pranced up

  113. why did you delete them?

  114. (nvm, pretend I didn't delete it.)

    "By un unfair advatage!" she pointed out.


  115. bluekit went up to wavekit,"you were realy good i bet you'll be a great fighter ,like your mother!"


  116. "Good job Scorchkit and Bluekit!" Tidekit cheerec happily.

  117. scorchkit walked to lilykit,"sorry,if i hurt you.."he says shyly."your a great fighter,i'm glad i'll never have to face you in battle"he says teasing.

  118. "Thanks," she murmured.


    He grumbled at the loss.


    She just stood there, yawning.


  119. bluekit turned to tidekit,"only because you were our leader!"


  120. "Aw! Don't get your tail stuck in a bunch Wavekit! Rematch tomorrow!" Tidekit laughed.

  121. "why don't we go do something else?"
    says scorchkit noticing that lilykit looked tired."we could go tell ur moms about our game!"

  122. "Um, you guys can go ahead. Ill stick around out here" Tidekit ducked his head to the other kits.

    (Whos Tidekits foster mom?)

  123. (kk, and no one. He and Runningkit just sleep in the nursery. Cause they are well-behaved and eat fresh-kill.)

    The three kits nodded, nearly asleep on their paws and padded to the nursery.

  124. [well i asked for honeyfern to be but,mistar said no and that they didn't need one but my guesse would be cloverstreak.]

  125. fallowed closely by scorchkit,and bluekit.[sweetkit was already back in the nursery.

  126. They all plopped down next to Miststar. Suddenly, Molekit felt something cold touch his fur and jumped up, only to realize it was Breezekit. He shaked him, but he didn't wake up. "Breezekit. Breezekit! Breezekit, wake up!" Yet he still did not move. Breezekit was dead.

  127. He shook Miststar awake and, almost crying, says, "Mama, Breezekit won't wake up."


    She wakes up instantly and licks Breezekit. She lifts her head up and whimpers, "Breezekit's dead."


  128. Otterwhisker nosed his son prodding him. "Let Starclan guide you, my son" he murmured sadly

  129. She puriesher nose in Otterwhisker's shoulder.


  130. honneyfern looked at mistar,she was sadened by the death of yet anouther kit.first berrykit,then cloverstreaks two kits, and now breezekit."does starclan have no mercy?"she muttered under her breath.

  131. Dovecloud padded into camp after hunting, but she carried no fresh-kill. She looked embearessed when cats stared at her oddly, wondering why she had no fresh-kill. >I think I do have an eye problem. I have to go see Berrysplash!< she thought and padded strait into the med cat den.


  132. Icefrost felt that there was nothing for her to do, so she sat down in the shade of a tree, waiting for someone to join her, or for something to happen.


  133. Followed by Dapplekit, she ran towards, Miststar's den, but stopped. "Wait," she told Rosekit. "I wanna get a drink." She opened her mouth and suddenly, water from the pool outside the medicine den flowed into her mouth. "Woah!" she exclaimed. "How'd I do that?"


  134. He stepped out of the nursery and went to the fresh-kill pile. Molekit looked through it until he spotted a small mouse and dragged it out of the pile. He nibbled at it.


  135. featherkit surprised dashkit by jumping on his tail


    - featherkit

    im gonna get you !

  136. Fernstream padded over to where Brambleheart was sitting on a soft clover patch. "Hello, Brambleheart," she meowed as she ploped down next to him.


  137. "Hi." Brambleheart licked her muzzle. He scooted closer to her.


  138. "I heard you are going to the gathering. I wanted to wish you and good time. And don't forget to tell me all about it when you get back," she meowed.


    (one more comment from u then she has the kits)

  139. (ok)

    "Too bad you can't go...." Brambleheart sighed. "I'll miss you."


  140. "Ya, I wish I could g-" she was cut off by a stong paint in her belly. "BRAMBLEHEART! THE KITS!" she yowled, "HELP!"


  141. Brambleheart leaped up. "What do I do? Do I get Berrysplash?" his mind was racing.


  142. Fernstream was out of breath and she couldn't tell Brambleheart what he should do. She yowled and a black kit was born.


  143. Brambleheart quickly started licking the kit frantically, hoping that this kitting will be over soon.


  144. Fernstream yowled again and kit that was a brown tabby with white was born. Next, a black and ginger tortie kit was born.


  145. Brambleheart yelled for help, since he can't lick all three kits at once. He waited for the next kit to be born.


  146. Fernstream yowled again and another kit was born. This one was a light brown tabby. Fernstream was breathing hard. "There's one more," she meowed, "I-I can't do it! Help!"


  147. "You can do it!" Brambleheart encouraged her. "You're a strong cat, and I believe in you!"


  148. Fernstream looked at Brambleheart. She opened her outh to speak but all that came out was a loud yowl. The last kit was born. A small white kit. Fernstream was breathing heavily. She took a deep breath and looked at her five litte kits. She looked at Brambleheart lovingly. "We need to get them to the nursery," she meowed and struggled to stand up.
    She picked up the small white kit and padded tord the nursery, limping a little.


    (we will name tham @ the nursery)

  149. (Brambleheart left right in the middle of this and it must be finnished)

    Brambleheart called after her, "I'll get the rest," and then picked up two fo the kits and padded tord the nursery. Then he came back for the last two.

  150. "Wavekit!" Dapplekit squeaked, astonished. "What... How did you do that?!" she looked at her friend with a mixture of wonder and horror in her eyes, and unconsciously found herself backing up towards Molekit and his mouse.

  151. Ravenshadow paced back in forth in the clearing, occasonally stopping to look at the full moon, to see if it was covered by clouds which ment the end of the gathering. But, the sky was clear and cloud-free. He was waiting for the cats that went to the gethering to get back so he could talk to Brightstreak. After waiting for a while and still no sign of them, he padded back to the warriors den to sleep.


  152. brightstreak entred the clearing giving up on seeing windpaw and looking for ravenshadow."where is he?" she wispered.she wanted to tell him about the gathering.oh well she thought.maybe i can ask him to come hunting with me later,i can tell him there.she felt her spirit rising as she headed tawards the warriors den.for some rest.

  153. "Stormwater! Cloverstreak! Dapplekit! Everyone! Look! I caught a mouse! Here!!! In camp!"

  154. "I don't know!" she squeaks excitedly. "You try. After you show your parents your mouse, of course."


  155. "Okay! Where are they?" she sniffed the air expectantly.

  156. *Stormwater padds out of the medicine cat den, Cloverstreak leaning on his shoulder.*


  157. *Sparrowpaw yawned as he walked out of the apprentices' den.*


  158. Berrysplash padded over to Stormwater herbs in her mouth "I'm sorry I was colecting herbs, what do you need?"


  159. "We got into a fight with a fox," Cloverstreak explained. "Stormwater killed it!" she added, pride glowing in her eyes. "We're just kinda battered now. Do you have some herbs or something to put on these gashes?"
    "Stormwater! Cloverstreak!" Rosekit came hurtling over to them. "I caught a mouse! Windpaw was teaching me how to hunt, and then I hunted a leaf, and there was a mouse under it!" she dashed back to the fresh kill pile and pulled out her mouse. "Here it is! It's for you." she started leaping around happily and then stopped dead when she saw Berrysplash tending their wounds. "What happened?" she gasped, and ran over to her parents, calling Dapplekit.
    Dapplekit, still sulking from Rosekit catching a mouse, puttered over, but ran when she saw Cloverstreak and Stormwater. "Are you okay?"

  160. Berrysplash nodded "Great job Stormwater," she put some cobwebs on their wounds "Your lucky to have not gottan anymore wounds,"


  161. *He purred.*

    That's wonderful, Rosekit. We're fine, we just ran into some trouble with a fox.

    *The, he nodded to Berrysplash.*

    Thanks, but I think we're fine for now. Well, I am.

    *He looked at Cloverstreak's gash on her side.*


  162. brightstreak sits down and waits to see ravenshadow.


  163. finaly she spots him."hey ravenshadow!want to do some hunting?"she askes him.

  164. ony to relise it's not him.disapointed,she walks back to her spot beside the warriors's den to wait for him.


  165. "Thanks Berrysplash," Cloverstreak sighed as the soothing herb juices seeped onto the gash on her side. "That feels so much better." Turning to Stormwater, she mewed, "Don't worry about this gash. I'm sure it will heal up soon." she yawned. "And good job, Rosekit. I think we should all go to bed now," she mewed, looking at Rosekit and Dapplekit, who looked tired. "Goodnight." she purred at Stormwater, and then she and the kits headed to the nursery.

  166. "Night," he purred back, then headed to the warriors' den.


  167. Sparkkit crept through the clearing, then out of camp into the forest, unseen. Whitekit closely followed, tracking her scent. >She's going! to the forest! Oh no!< he thought. (Whitekit never wanted to go to the forest before, he just said he did so his littermates didn't think he was scared) Whitekit gulped, but followed his sister.


  168. [sunsetbubble, don't forget about ravenshadow!]

  169. thinks wats that? and sees a flash of white
    sniffs and smells whitekit- wait whitekit?
    wats he doing!?!
    and quietly creeps of

  170. seasonthunder! saesonthunder ! featherkit is back!
    seasonthunder comes back running to the nursery and scolds her madly

  171. honeyfern looks around,ever since echoleaf's death she had been keeping her eye on rainfall and brightstreak,but they were warriors now and that ment she'd kept her promise to echoleaf,now she had her own kits to worry about.bluepaw was looking after windpaw and rainfall was looking after her,sweetpaw was waiting for her mentor to come back from his hunt with brightstreak,and brightstreak was hunting with well ravenshadow.wheres scorchpaw?she asked herself,she looked around and then finaly spotted him."scorchpaw!"she called out he came over,"what is it honeyfern?"he asked."how about we go hunting just the two of us."she asked him.he looked at her shyly "i was going to show lilykit,wavekit and molekit the hunters crouch actually."he said.she looked at him thoughtfully."go then i'm sure they'll be happy to see you."she said happily.he noded and headed tawards the nursery.honeyfern still wanting to hunt headed tawards the river oak.


  172. brightstreak looked at the the entrence and waited for ravenshadow.she couldn't wait for the sun to set.


  173. Greypaw paced in the clearing wondering what to do now. Miststar couldn't do anything to stop Willowpaw right now. >Maybe I could< he thought. Just then he saw Willowpaw. >Perfect!< he tried to act like he wasn't watching her.


  174. Willowpaw ran up to Greypaw. "Hi!" she meowed happily. She tried to nuzzle his cheek, but he dodged. "What's the matter?" she asked, puzzled.


  175. rainfall paded into the clearing and sat down.i wonder where sparrowpaw is?she thought.i would love to go hunting with him.she shook her head,whats happening to me?i sound like brightstrek when she's talk about ravenshadow.


    [she has a crush on sparrowpaw put doesn't know it!]

  176. *He padded out of the aprentices' den, trying to look cool, then padded to Rainfall.*

    Hey, Rainfall.


  177. Greypaw glared at Willowpaw. "I know what you did to your sister. I'm NOT ok with that. She's my friend! Are you trying to kill her because you like me better? Do you think she will steal me from you?" He stared into Willowpaw's shocked eyes. He usally wasn't this harsh.


    (make her say something like she loves him)

  178. "hi sparrowpaw,do you want to go hunting?"she askes sparrowpaw,hoping he'll accept her inventation.


  179. Sure!

    *He follows her into the forest.*


  180. "I just love you so much! I don't want anyone else to like you, so that's one of the reasons why I attacked her! Please forgive me! I'll do ANYTHING for you!" Willowpaw was close to tears by now.


  181. Greypaw wasn't quite sure what to say. Then, he spoke. "I would never love anyone low enough to try and kill their own sister. If you love me so much, pull your self together. By trying to kill your own kin, you don't make me love you. You make me think you are a lousy piece of fox dung. Get out of my sight! I don't want to see you again when your like, like THIS!" Angry, Greypaw padded away, tail lashing back and forth.


    (oooo he was harsh)

  182. Willowpaw lost her sadness and ran after Graypaw. She pounced on his back and sunk her teeth AND claws in is shoulders.


  183. Greypaw shook her off and pinned her down, holding his claws to her neck with one of his front paws and raking her belly with one of his hind paws. "I can end this. I can kill you right now! It might be just what you desurve!!" he spat in her face. "Willowpaw, you are kill crazy! Calm down!!" he said, now with a less harsh tone. "I don't want to hurt you!! But I might have to. I don't know what's gotten into you!!" He stopped raking her belly, but he still kept a firm grip pinning her down and still held his claws to her throught.


  184. *He rushed to the scene.*

    Graypaw, get off her! Willowfeather, come on, you'll be her gaurd, no one get near her, that includes you, Graypaw.

    *He grabbed him by the scruff and dragged him off of Willowpaw.*


  185. Willowfeaterh snarled standing over Willowpaw (XD), holding her down with a paw.

  186. bluepaw entred the clearing,looking for greypaw.then she saw the sceene before her."greypaw what happened?why is stormwater holding you by the scruff and willowfeather holding willowpaw down.did she try to get to windpaw again?"she said confused and worried.


  187. Greypaw stook free of Stormwaters grip. "I'm not a kit! Willowpaw has gone kill crazy! She tried to kill Windpaw, now me!" he meowed. He gave Willowpaw a gaze that said "Why, Willowpaw?" Greypaw looked at Stormwater. "What are we going to do? Exile her? Kill her? I told MIststar that something was wrong with Willowpaw...she just kinda didn't care, she was too busy. I hope she will do something about it now," he meowed to him. "I should get going. I have ...things to do," he said, then padded away. He turned his head a gave Willowpaw another look that said "Do you realize what you've done?" He turn his head back and continued on his way.


  188. bluepaw turned and fallowed him,"greypaw!you never anserwd my questions!is windpaw in troble?"she asked gently but worried.


  189. brightstreak looked around waiting,for ravenshadow,she had importent news for him.she'd been feeling strange for a while now,and she didn't need a medecinecat to know she was expecting kits,i'd better go see berrysplash first thought ,just to make sure.she thought.


  190. brightstreak paded to the medecine cat's den.
