Wednesday, July 7, 2010


This is the beach where there is sand, trees, and water. Come here to hunt or even relax.



  1. I tawny she-cat padded around, wondering where she was.

  2. Cloudfire walked thorugh the beach, feeling almost as good as normal. Berrysplash and her appprnetice had a way with herbs. As a breeze blew on his face he stiffened rougue!

    He ran over to see a tawny she-cat "Who are you?" he growled


  3. "Gah!" the cat gasped. She looked at her paws.

    "I don't even know!"

  4. Cloudfire took a small step toward her "You don't?"


  5. "No, I don't. Where am I?" she asked bewiledered.

  6. Cloudfire took a few more steps closer to her. "You're in CloverClan territory... are you hungry?"


  7. "Kinda.... what's Cloverclan." she asked.

  8. "It's a big group of cats... we are all like a family, and let me get you some food,"

    He scented mouse nearby, he crouched and sprung giving the she-cat the mouse "Eat up. But do you remember your name?"


  9. "Thank you." she said slowly. She took a bite of the mouse, trying to remember. All her memories were fuzzy, she could barely make them out. After a while, she answered.

    "I-I think it was Tawny." she stuttered.


  10. "And who is your... mate?" he asked looking at her swollen belly


  11. "Well you are expecting kits,"


  12. "I am!?!!?" Tawny gasped, looking down at her swollen belly/

    "So I guess that's true......"


  13. "Whats true?" Cloudfire asked


  14. "I didn't remember I was expecting kits."


  15. "Okay, C'mon, I'll take you to camp, and you can get cleaned up,"


  16. "Huh? Umm ok." Tawny said, a little confused.


  17. Cloudfire sighed "I'mm sorry, but I can't leave a queen out here all alone,"


  18. Cloudfire smiled "It's no problem,"


  19. I wish I could remember something important, something to give me a hint of my past. she thought as she followed Cloudfire.


  20. Cloudfire looked "Do you remember how you lost your memory?"


  21. Tawny concentrated again, looking at the hazy images.

    "Before I was at the beach... i remember it being wet.. and cold." she shivered, than felt her head ache.

    Maybe I hit my head....


  22. Cloudfire nodded "You might have been in the water..."


  23. Cloudfire nodded "Did you hit your head on anything? That might have caused you to lose your memory."


  24. Tawny rubbed her head with her tail. "I think so... it hurts."


  25. Cloudfire nodded "Well now we know something about you,"


  26. "I'm glad I at least remembered that." she agreed.


  27. Cloudfire nodded "I'll help you see if you can remember more like how you got into the water,"


  28. Bramblepaw burst out of the thick shrubbery leading into the Beach. He turned to Flamepaw, "Tag, your it!" he laughed and ran to the water's edge.


  29. (Flamepaw???)

    Flamepaw hid behind a bush, crouching against the sand so his pelt will be disguised, while watching Bramblepaw and Fernpaw's show of affection intently.


  30. (flamepaw? u meen fernpaw we dont know flamepaw is there)

    Fernpaw scampered after him, feeling as playful as a kit. She pounced and landed on top of Bramblepaw, and they rolled into the paw-deep water. "Now you're it!" she meowed and spang up and swiftly ran out of the water.


  31. (sorry about the flamepaw thing)

    He stood up and shook off the water droplets. He ran as fast as he could until he crashed into Fernpaw, her laying under him. He looked affectionately into her eyes, then licked her muzzle.

    "I-I l-love you." he whispered.


  32. Flamepaw's eyes widened. He never knew Bramblepaw and Fernpaw were together, considering he was kinda new to the relationship mess. Flamepaw crouched deeper, not making a squeak out of him.


  33. Fernpaw giggled. "You don't even need to tell me, I already knew," she meowed and licked his muzzle. "I love you, too. Now, can you please get off, let's go swimming!!" she said, trying to push him off playfully.


  34. Bramblepaw laughed playfully, remaining where he was. He was trying to put all his weight on the ground. When finally Fernpaw shoved him off, sending him tumbling into the water. He quickly swam towards her and splashed her.

    "Tag, your it!"


  35. rainpaw see's flamepaw spying on her way back to camp from a training sesseion with miststar.she sneaks beside him and wispers'are you spying on fernpaw and bramblepaw?"


  36. Fernpaw laughed and swished her tail, splashing water at Bramblepaw. "You're it!" she meowed and swam away.


  37. Bramblepaw laughed and was about to chase after her when he smelled a familiar scent. He ran to Fernpaw and told her about it. Then, together, they traced the scent, heading towards a bush.


  38. Flamepaw whirled around, suprised. "Whoa! Umm...I had nothing to do, and I was wondering why they were sneaking out of camp so early in the morning." He whispered.


  39. Fernpaw peered inside the bush and saw Flamepaw. (She didn't see Rainpaw because Rainpaw backed away) Fernpaw was so furious, she could have clawed Flamepaw's face to shreds right then and there. "FLAMEPAW!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" she yowled at him angrily.


  40. Bramblepaw stared at Flamepaw calmly, but inside, he was about to explode.

    "Achem.....Flamepaw, what are you doing, spying on us?"

    (he was trying to act calm about the situation)


  41. Flamepaw looked at her suprised. "I could ask you the same thing, sneaking out of camp so early in the morning!" Flamepaw held his position.


  42. Bramblepaw looked at her, his voice starting to get harsher.

    "Then why did you follow us? Then you'll be sneaking out of camp too!"

    Bramblepaw couldn't hold in his anger, and suddenly lashed out at Flamepaw with unsheathed claws.


  43. Fernpaw noticed Bramblepaw trying to act calm, and she wanted to also, but she was so angry it was hard. "This is none of your buissness, Flamepaw. Sneeking out early is not agenst the warrior code or anything. It's not like we were doing this instead of doing our duties, we were doing it in our free time. AND THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUISSNESS ANYWAY!!" she hissed at him.


  44. Flamepaw dodged the attack and hissed, ready to fight if needed. "I have a reason! I was following you to see what you were doing! What about you? No reason huh?!?!?!"


  45. Bramblepaw hissed, and leaped on top of Flamepaw, tackling him. He scratched and kicked with unsheathed claws.


  46. "It could be anyone's buisness! Think again before showing your love in front of the clan!!!"


  47. Before Bramblepaw could lay a claw on Flamepaw, Fernpaw grabbed Bramblepaw by the scruff and pulled him back. She looked at Bramblepaw and said, "I know that Flamepaw spying on us was wrong, but there is no need to start clawing at him, even though you and I both really want to," she whispered to him. Fernpaw turned to Flamepaw and meowed somewhat calmly, "Flamepaw, please leave us alone and go back to camp,"


  48. Flamepaw yowled with anger, but kept his claws sheathed. Flipping on his back, he crushed Bramblepaw, scratching his belly as he went.


  49. "STOP THAT NOW!" Fernpaw yowled, "And Flamepaw, we were not doing it in front of the clan, we were doing it in private when we thought no one was around, but you were spying on us!!"


  50. Bramblepaw suddenly striked Flamepaws eyes; claws sheathed. Flamepaw yowled with pain and fell down. His eye was badly bleeding. Bramblepaw suddenly turned and ran, heading towards the Ivyclan border


  51. Fernpaw knew Bramblepaw had gone to far. "Flamepaw!" she meowed worriedly. She didn't know if she should chase after Bramblepaw or stay with Flamepaw and make sure he is alright. She wanted to make sure Flamepaw was ok, but her love for Bramblepaw made her chase after him. She headed for the Ivyclan border after Bramblepaw.


  52. Bramblepaw turned, scenting Fernpaw.

    "Don't stop me..." he muttered


  53. Flamepaw watched as blood dripped from his eye. "Bramblepaw is never gonna befriend me. Never!" Flamepaw swore.


  54. Fernpaw began to cry. This never should have happened. She wished Flamepaw ouldn't have followed them, she wished Bramblepaw hadn't clawed his eye, and now she was confused because her love was now running away from her. "I'm not trying to stop you," she called to Bramblepaw, "I'm coming with you!"


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Bramblepaw's eyes widened.

    "Fernpaw, we'll be rouges! It's gonna be dangerous, and you'll never live your life as a warrior!"

    Bramblepaw's eyes started to tear.


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Bramblepaw ignored the calls with much difficulty, but he sped over the border, and into Ivyclan.

    (i won't really join Ivyclan, but can you guyz tell Mistpaw about this? later on, i'm going to make him come back)


  59. (mistpaw? u meen miststar)

    Fernpaw stopped. She loved Bramblepaw and wanted to be with him with all her heart, but she didn't want to leave Cloverclan. She wanted to be a warrior of Cloverclan, that is what she was meant to be, not a rouge. "I love you Bramblepaw," she murmered,"and I'm going to fix this. You will be able to come home and be the warrior that I know you want to be so badly, I promise. I love you, but I can't come with you." she turned and headed back to camp, determoned to to make things right. Once back at camp, she headed to the leader's den, hoping that Miststar would understand.


  60. rainpaw came out of her hiding spot and rushed to flamepaw's side."flamepaw are you ok,look at your eye!you have to see berrysplash right now she said concerned.can you see anything?"


  61. rainpaw debated whether to help him back to camp and the medecine den or go get berrysplash herself."will you be ok if i leave for a sec to get help?"she said finaly deciding to go get berrysplash.

  62. brightpaw spotted her sister with flamepaw,i didn't know she liked flamepaw,she though.then as she got closer she saw that his eye was bleeding and that her sister was trying to ask him something."rainpaw what happened to flamepaw?"


    rainpaw looked up.brightpaw she can help me!she,though."rainpaw can you come here!"


  63. sure! rainpaw anserwd and together there led flamepaw back to camp and to the medecine den.[see medecineden to see what happens next!]


  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. (i delete the first on cuz it said fernpaw in it. she is a warrior so i wanted to fix it.)

    Fernstream dashed into the beach clearing. She ran swiftly in the derection that Bramblepaw ran, tord the Ivyclan border. She got to the spot where she last saw him, and speltthe air. She smelled Bramblepaw, but his scent was a bit faint and stale. She scampered off, following the scent of Bramblepaw, determoned to find him and try to bring him home.


  66. Not caring what territory she was on, Fernstream followed Bramblepaw's scent. She seemed to be getting closer, the scent was getting fresher and she had found a couple places where Bramblepaw had stopped to rest. >I will find you Bramblepaw. when I do, I hope you chose to come home. It will be ok.< she thought like she was really talking to Bramblepaw. She kept tracking the trail, as quickly and carefully as she could. A few times she thought that she lost the scent, but she found it again. >I won't stop know. I've almost found him< she thought, determoned.


  67. Suddenly, Fernstream stopped. She smelt the scent of Bramblepaw was very strong here. The strong smell led into a nearby bush. Fernstream peered inside the bush and saw a curled up cat with matted brown tabby fur. "Bramblepaw? Bramblepaw wake up!" she meowed. Bramblepaw lifted his head and looked at Fernstream. "Fernpaw?" he meowed as a grin apeared on his face. "No, Bramblepaw," she meowed, also smiling, "I'm Fernstream. Nice to meet you," Fernstraem giggled. "Now please come out of that bush and talk to me," she said, suddenly more serrious.

    (your turn to comment, Bramblepaw)

  68. "Congratulations now that you're a warrior, but what are you doing here?" his heart filled with joy.


  69. "I came to talk to you," she meowed getting comfortable lying on the ground, "Why did you run away? Why did you become a rouge? Is this really what you want?" She looked and Bramblepaw's matted brown tabby pelt. "It doesn't look like you're enjoying yourself,"


  70. "I was afraid that I'll get exiled from the clan for hurting another clan cat. And, Flamepaw and I were sort of friends before what happened."

    "What else can I become? A kittypet? This was the only option besides joining another clan. I'm still loyal to Cloverclan."

    "No, living my life as a rouge is horrible. But, I'll come back, Fernpaw, I mean, Fernslash."he smiled.

    "Just not right now."


  71. (fernslash?? fernsteam. where did ferslash come from?!?! lol)

    "Why not now? I talked to Miststar and she said that she wouldn't exile you. She said you would be punished, though. But, only someting like taking care of elders, which I could help you with if Mistar didn't mind and maybe a delayed warrior cerimony," Fernstream meowed. She licked Bramblepaw's ear and rubbed her head agenst his cheek. She was happy to see him.


  72. (sorry, i had no idea where fernslash came from)

    "Well that's a relief. I'll come back...for you."

    He got up and started walking back, side-by-side with Fernstream towards Cloverclan territoy.


  73. Fernstream was overjoyed to have Bramblepaw back in Cloverclan. "When we get back to camp, let's go to Miststar's den to tell her you came back. She will probably tell you your punishment then. Don't worry I'll be right there with you," he meowed. Fernstream leaned closer to Bramblepaw and whispered in his ear, "I still love you. I always will, no matter what,"


  74. ahhhh its nice to be out of the nursery without those 2 energyballs

  75. Windpaw stopped in the shadows of a large tree. "Ok, we're here. Now tell me what's wrong." Windpaw narrowed her eyes, knowing something suspicious is going on.


  76. Willowpaw paused, then struck out at Windpaw with unsheathed claws, tearing at her ear and muzzle.


  77. (THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE A SCAR!!!!! JUST HERT FOR A FEW DAYS!!! And soon enough, ALL my cats are going to have at least 1 visit to the med. cat den!)

    Windpaw's eyes widened. "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" She yowled in anger and pain. Windpaw hissed, can't believe that her own sister would attack her.


  78. (OK!!! CALM DOWN!!! haha!!!)

    Willowpaw ignored her sister's question, and continued to scratch her. She suddenly jumped over her, while raking across her back.

    (also, i want willowpaw to have a crush. who should it be? i was thinking about graypaw.)


  79. (huh. You and SunsetBubble again. How Typical.)

    Windpaw sped back towards camp, blood flowing down her body. She sped until she reached the Apprentices Den, where she curled up again. Hoping it's only a dream.

    (comment next at apprentices den I guess....)


  80. wow, now i wanna go to great stone
    - featherkit

  81. Sparkkit pads into the sandy clearing, then spots a burt bush. >Odd< she thought then kept walking. She padded up to the cool water and stuck her front paws in. "That feels nice," she says to herself, "I bet its not that hard to swim," Sparkkit waded in deeper and deeper then started kicking her feet. "I'm swimming! Look at me!" she shouted happily, thinking no one was around to hear her, so it was ok to shout. Whitekit had lost her sisters trail and was wondering hopelessly trying to find her. Then he heard her shout. He ran tords the beach and saw her sister in the water. "Sparkkit! What are you doing?" he meowed. Thinking that her shout was a call for help he ran tords her shouting, "Don't worry! I'll help you!" Sparkkit laughed, "No Whitekit! Swimming is fun! I don't need help! give it a try!" Whitekit wasn't so sure. "I don't think we should be here," he meowed nurvously. "It's ok, Whitekit! Come on i-" she was cut off and started choking on water as she was swept into the current. "Oh no! HELP! SOMEONE HELP HER!" Whitekit yowled, panicing. He ran on the side of the river, watching his sister trying to think of a way to help her.


  82. Shinekit heard yelling from the nursery (how can a cat hear that far?)

    She raced over to the beach and found her sister half-drowned. "Oh no!!!" she stared at Whitekit with wide eyes.


  83. featherkit creeps out and her eyes widen to find sparkkit swimming, even tho it looked like she was drowning she was clearly enjoying it, but she asked wat are you doing!

  84. "Help!" Sparkkit yowled with a mouth full of water. She continued to be swept down the river. Whitekit followed with Shinekit close behind.


  85. rainfall stalked a mouse.she wasn't needed in camp so she had decided to hunt.she was about to jump when she herd someone cry out:"Help!"."i'm coming!"she said and began racing tawards the voice. she finaly got there.oh no she thought.sparkkit was being sewpt away by the river.she ran tawards the kits."sparkkit,white,shinekit,featherkit what are you doing here!"she said alarmed.""never mind,just stay away from the water edge,i'll get sparkit out."she said to the three other 3 kits quikly.before jumping into the water.[her mother had tought her how to swim.]she let her body go with the current till she reached sparkit.then she grabed the kit by the scruff and started to swim tawards the shore.once she was near enought she put sparkit onto solid ground.she was swept away for a few seconds then was able to get herself to shore."sparkit are you ok?"she asked.


  86. ssss orry, i just wanted to explore

  87. Sparkkit coughed up water and shivvered. "I think I'll be ok..." she mewed. Whitekit cruled up next to her to comfort her. "I knew we should never have even thought of going into the forest," he meowed. "I thought you wanted to," Sparkkit mewed to her brother. "No, I lied. Sorry," he replied. Just then, Fernstream padded into the clearing and over to her kits. "What are you three doing here??" she asked furiously. Then she realized that Sparkkit was all wet. "What happened to her?" she asked, now more kindly. "She almost drowned, Mama! I tried to stop her from going into the forest and when I found her she was drowning!" Whitekit mewed. Shocked, Fernstream meowed, "Are you ok, Sparkkit?" Sparkkit looked up to her mother and mewed, "I am now that Rainfall saved me," Fernstream looked at Rainfall and meowed, "Thank you," Then, Fernstream turned to her three kits and meowed, "Let's get back to camp!" She picked up the shivvering Sparkkit and started walking, Shinekit and Whitekit following.

    ~>Fernstream, Whitekit,&Sparkkit<~

  88. rainfall remembering the prey she'd caught decided to dry off in the sand and then go get it.when she was dry,she got up and undug her prey.she then walked back to camp,to check on sparkkit.


  89. featherkit watched them go,but remembered the prey she had caught too so she followed rainfall

  90. brightstreak walked to the edge of the water,it looked so beitiful sprakling in the sun.she looked back tawards ravenshadow,her eye full of love.maybe this is when i should tell him i love him.she thought.

  91. "umm..ravenshadow..theres something...i have to...tell you.."brightstreak said shyly.


  92. "I already know," Ravenshadow meowed, not caring about hunting. He just wanted to be with Brightstreak. "And yes, I love you, too," he said.


    (Are you going to make her have kits?? I would want to play as one! Maybe tow...but probably just one.)

  93. Ravenshadow walked up to Brightstreak and licked her ear. "I've been trying to tell you, but things are so busy around here," he meowed.


  94. "you do?oh ravenshadow i love you!"she said cuddling close to him."i'm the luckyst [did i spell that right?] she-cat in the whole forest.!"she said thrilled then it dawned on her."how did you know?"


    [if it's ok with you ,maybe,i would want to roleplay for one or two too.]

  95. "it doesn't matter,you love me and i love you thats all i need to know."she said lovingly."i hope his night never ends"she wisperd.


  96. (no its spelled luckiest. thats ok, we all spell stuff wrong sometimes. And then we could have like 2, 3, or 4 kits?? that sounds good to me, i still dont know if im going to play 1 or 2)

    "So...we should probably get to hunting, it's the middle of the day and we should be working. We can get together tonight. How about the River Oak just before Moonhigh?" he meowed, "I'll be over there," he said, flicking his tail tord the forest. He licked Brightstreak's muzzle then padded away to go hunting. "Come with if you want,"


  97. "ok i'll meet you there at moonhigh,i probably shouldn't if i do i'll never be able to consentrate on hunting."she said pading close to the water looking for a fish.she spotted one and scooped it out,once it was on the bank she bit into it's neck,she caught 3 more then decided she had enough to bring to camp.she paded tawards the forest to see how he was doing.
    [3-4 sounds good to me i've decided to roleplay 2.]


  98. (Im still not sure like i said. I'll probly play 2 if I come up with another one, cuz I only thought of one I want. [her name is Mintkit so dont use that name for one of yours!])

  99. [ok,i was thinking of naming one of mine cherrykit,and the other i'm still thinking about.]

  100. (whoohoo!!! cherry!!!)

    Tigerstar arrived at The Beach, panting. He started to hunt and quickly caught a fish (from the sea), a vole, and a mouse. He sat down in the shade and waited for Icefrost to finish hunting.

  101. Icefrost crouched down, scenting a rabbit. She raced after it and in one swift bite, killed it. She then padded over to the shoreline and waited for a flash of scales. Icefrost spotted 2 fish and swiped them both up and killed them also. She walked over to Tigerfang. "So, what now?"


  102. "Wanna talk a walk?" he asked her as he buried his prey.


  103. Icefrost smiled. "Sure." she buried her prey along with him.


  104. "Well kitties, here you are." the rogues plopped the young cats into a cave hollowed out by the water. "Don't try to escape. You try to leave, you die." Pepper growled. The rogues retreated and went to guard the entrance.
    Rosepaw looked up blearily. "Dapplepaw? You wanted to tell me something?" she asked confusedly.

  105. Nightkit growled at the rouges, though frightened. "Rosepaw, we're not at camp, Dapplepaw isn't here..." Nightkit looked down as he explained everything from the time she was unconscious.


  106. "We've been catnapped?!? (lol) Oh, Nightkit. I'm sorry. I shoudn't have had a race. Or tried to fight that rogue... I'm so sorry!" she buried her muzzle in his fur, happy to have a familiar scent around her.

  107. "It's fine. The problem is that if we escape, we'll get killed, and we're being used as bait so they could get food." Nightkit licked her ear.

    (I feel like Nightkit should be older cuz of this comment)


  108. (Me too... Maybe have it so their apprenticeship was postponed for some reason? It's less weird that way for them)
    "So we're bait? What will we do? We'll just have to hope that someone notices we're missing, and follows the scent trail. And if we ever get a chance to escape..." she trailed off, eyes gleaming.

  109. Nightkit didn't have a word to say. Just curled up in a ball and closed his eyes, a tear streaming down his cheek, until he fell asleep.

    (Yea, if Rosepaw's apprenticeship was postponed.....I'll comment that on the important info)


  110. [by the way when do you want honeyfern to start looking for rosepaw?cause rosepaw was supposed to meet her mentor at dawn.]

  111. (Hmm, whenever, I guess. Maybe that evening? If she thought Rosepaw left without her...)
    "Wake up, little kitties. Time for food!" Rosepaw woke up to see the face of the ugliest cat she had ever seen. It was a tom, and his face was hideously scarred. He leered at her, revealing broken brown teeth. When she shied away, he lunged at her and brethed his foul breath in her face. "Scared, are we, little kitty? Too bad. Wake up the kitten." With that, he left the den, leaving Rosepaw shivering. "N-Nightkit. Wake up. They're going to do something with us now!"

  112. [ok,right now she's looking for rosepaw inside camp,buti'll make it so she thinks rosepaw left without her.ok?]

  113. (Okay, yeah. And when Rosepaw never turns up...)

  114. "Wha?" Nightkit blinked his eyes open just to realize their not at camp. He jumped up with his fur standing on end. "What's happening?"


  115. "We were taken, remember?" she asked gently. "This great big ugly rogue just came iin and told me to wake you up. I think they're going to do something with us! When they come in-" she broke off as the rogue lumbered back in. "Alright. Here's what you are going to do. You are going to go out into the forest-NOT IN YOUR TERRITORY- and hunt for us. If you do not bring back at least five pieces of fresh kill, we will turn you into fresh kill. No hunting for eachother, and we WILL BE WATCHING YOU." he led them out of their prison/den. "Go. Now." and he pointed them towards an unknown forest.

  116. Nightpaw's eyes widened. He walked relunctantly into the forest and smelt a mouse. "I don't even know how to hunt!" he whispered. He crouched down and crept forward, not waiting for Rosepaw's answer and pounced. Nightkit landed on the mouse squarly, and with one swift bite, killed it. He added it to his pile and glanced over at Rosepaw worryingly.


  117. "You can hunt if you need to. You're almost an apprentice. You actually should already be one. You know the hunter's crouch from watching apprentices. Keep your self down low and your tail still. I know you can do it. Meet you back here at sunhigh." With a last worried glance, Rosepaw melted into the trees. Soon she came across a stream. Hmm, fish? she thought. She looked into the stream and waited... Soon she had two shining fish. She covered them and looked around for some more prey. She soon caught a vole. Just as she was preparing to leap on a squirrel, a twig snapped in the forest, scaring it away. "Fox dung!" she hissed. She went to find prey elsewhere, wondering how Nightkit was doing.

  118. Nightkit nodded and padded over to a tree, to see two squirrels nibbling on a seed. He pounced , and soon killed them. He padded over to the stream and caught a fish easily. Nightkit was a tail length away from catching a rabbit, but lost his footing and stepped on a dead leaf. The mouse scampered away, leaving Nightkit glaring at the cave the rouges were in, and thinking about how long he and Rosepaw would have to stay.


  119. Rosepaw watched a bird fluttering ahead of her. Dropping into a crouch, she stalked towards it and waited. When it landed on the ground, she pounced and snapped it's neck. She then dragged it back to the rest of her pile. Next she easily caught two mice that were eating seeds scattered on the ground. Exhausted, she looked up at the sun and saw it was sunhigh. She picked up all her prey with difficulty and headed back to find Nightkit, hpoing he had caught tons of prey without trouble. She had a feeling that he hadn't had any trouble at all...

  120. Soon after, Nightkit had already caught another fish, and two sparrows. He sighed with relief that it was over and carried his prey back to his pile to see Rosepaw. "Hey, how much prey did yo-" Nightkit was cut off by the sound of paws on the forest floor.


  121. "NO TALKING!" roared the ugly rogue. "Go back to your den. Now."
    "Um, what about our food? Can't we eat?" Rosepaw asked confidently. She tried not to be scared by the ugly tom.
    "Take a mouse. Only one." the tom ordered.
    Rosepaw grabbed a mouse and hurrried away with Nightkit.

  122. Nightkit picked a mouse and sped off back into the cave. He ate in silence, but kept glancing back at the entrence of the cave, watching the rouges have a feast.


  123. *Like, a quarter moon (a week) should pass*
    "I hate these rogues! We never did anything to us, they shouldn'ttrat us like slaves! We have to do something..."

  124. [ok,right now sweetpaw,is trying to fallow the scent trail,but she's having a hard time because you were that ok?]

  125. (sure I guess)

    "I agree, but what? I wonder if I should be an apprentice by now....a quarter moon already passed! I bet my siblings are already apprentices..." Nightkit sighed.


  126. (They aren't even close to being apprentices.*

  127. sweetpaw watched from the way they were acting rosepaw and nightkit had a plan,i'd better leave,she thought i could spoil there escape plan.after a while she decided on a plan,i'll stay near by and when they escape ,if they need help..i'll be hear waiting.she started to retreat slowly,then she felt her foot step on a twig,she didn't have time to react she was pinned down by a rogue.after a hard battle,sweetpaw ended up back were she started,pinned down except this time sweetpaw was barely alive.the rogue sneered "wish this could have ended difrintly but you know to much."with that the rogue killed sweetpaw with one swift bite.sweetpaw screemed out with pain,but her cry was cut short by her death.the rogue draged sweetpaw's body back to the rogu camp."i found this one spying on happy i was there to stop her."she told them before leaving and heading tawards tolegplace.

    [ok this was a difrint rogue,a youger one.]


  128. (yea I know. but Nightkit feels like it's been a long time at the beach)

  129. Nightkit glanced at the unmoving body. "Sweetpaw!" He ran over to it, just to be stopped by a rouge.

    (I'm not gonna be a rouge, so....)


  130. Rosepaw stared with horror at Sweetpaw's body. "NO!" she howled, horrified. She ran over and dragged Nightkit away. "N- No use in having you killed too. She turned away, her heart breaking at the thought that Sweetpaw, so nice, so gentle, had been murdered trying to find them. She trudged over to her nest and curled up, hoping for sleep to take the pain away. After a few hours of nightmare- infested sleep, Rosepaw woke with a jump. She prodded Nightkit awake. "I have a plan." she whispered grimly, her eyes cold and hard.

  131. Nightkit woke up, a sleep still in his eyes. "What? Oh, Rosekit." He blinked the sleep out. "So.....what's the plan?" Nightkit smirked.


  132. "While we are hunting, we collect deathberries, too. Then we rub their juice in an un-obvious manner all over all of the prey we catch, feed it to the rogues, and voila! They all die horrible deaths. We have to make sure not to poison our mice that we get to take. Oh, and we have to rub the poison on near a stream where we can wash off. Okay? Now, we should sleep." she glanced at Nightkit and sighed, her eyes still cold and hard, having lodt all their playful love and shining happiness.

  133. Nightkit smiled warmly. "Great! We'll start tomorrow morning." He noticed no happiness in Rosepaw's eyes and continued. "It's fine. We'll get out eventually. I'm sure!" Nightkit licked her ear.


  134. "Thanks Nightkit." she mewed, feeling her heart warm up a little. "Come on. We should get as much rest as possible." she curled up next to Nightkit and fell asleep. The next morning when a rogue came to get them up, they woke up quietly and went out to the forest as was now usual. Instead of splitting up when they entered the forest as usual however, they both continued on together. After they had caught several pieces of prey, they took them over to the stream they had caught some fish in. While Nightkit fished some more, Dapplepaw disappeared and returned later with a leaf wrap full of deathberries. "Be very careful not to ingest any juice at all. And hurry." the two cats set to work rubbing the juice all over the prey except for two mice which would be theirs. When they had finished, they both jumped into the icy water and rubbed all the remaining juice off. Then they waited for the rogues.
    Three large muscle-y rogues came to retrieve their prey. Grunting with surprise at the young cat's ample catch, they greedily gathered it up to take back to the camp, leaving Rosepaw and Nightkit with their two measly mice.
    (All of the rogues will pig out on the prey and they will all die. After the last one dies, a search party will arrive to find Nightkit and Rosepaw.)

  135. (kewl!)

    Nightkit ran off to the cave again, Rosepaw close behind. He took a bite of the mouse and whispered, "I think it worked, Rosepaw! We'll be back in Cloverclan in no time!" Nightkit smiled.


  136. So now what, they just sit around eating bon-bons until the warriors show up?

  137. [well honeyfern's patrol are coming,it's just they got attacked by foxes...]

  138. (lol. I guess.......We can talk....idk.)

  139. "Nightkit?" Rosepaw sat down beside him. "What do you think our clanmates will think when they find us? I mean, we were cat napped (lol) TOGETHER. What will they think, that it was a coincidence?"
    (Mmm, bon-bons)

  140. (sad to say I've never tasted one b4..)

    Nightkit looked over to her. "They might. But they'll have to believe us when we tell them rouges captured us. They......they just have to!!!" He licked Rosepaw's ear, but drew back quickly, feeling his ears turn red. "S-sorry."


  141. honeyfern walked along the beach,the others had gone back to camp but she'd decided to continue looking for rosepaw,sweetpaw,and nightkit.she looked around and spotted three familiare shapes."rosepaw,nightkit,sweetpaw!"she called over to them.

    [sadly,nether have i.]


  142. Nightkit sighed in relief as he spotted a faint outline of Honeyfern. "Rosepaw! H-Honeyfern's here!!! We're going back to Cloverclan!!!" Nightkit turned over to Rosepaw, smiling, but feeling his ears turn red the moment he saw her.


  143. honeyfern rushed forward and licked both cats between the ears,she turned to tthe now dead rogues,and looked back at nightkit and rose."what happened and wheres sweetpaw?"she asked worriedly.


  144. Nightkit looked down sadly. "She-she...." He sighed. "She's with Starclan now..."


  145. honeyfern looked at nightkit with horror in her eyes,"WHAT?!?that can't said sackly.she took a moment to swallow her grief,there will be other times for greiving.she told herself right now these two have been throught enought.she looked around and finaly spotted her daughter's body.she paded over to it and picked it up by the scruff.she carried it to where rosepaw and nightkit where.she looked at them sadly."alright,if it's ok with you,i think it's about time you came back to cloverclan."she told them.she looked at them both each in there turn,before asking "are you ready?".


  146. "Yes." Rosepaw nodded, her heart pounding as she looked at Nightkit. "Honeyfern. I'm so sorry. I don't even know what happened to her. One of the rogues dragged her in, dead, and said he had found her spying. But they're all dead now..." she looked around, her eyes dull again. "We've killed so many. Will StarClan ever forgive us?"
    (actually, I haven't either.)

  147. honeyfern,looked at rosepaw,"they better!your one of the kindest apprentices i know,you get along with everybody and you only killed them to save yourself and nightkit.i don't see anything wrong with devending yourself!"she told rosepaw"besides starclan are wise and forgiving.i'm sure they understand."she told her in a softer voice."now if your ready,i know alot of cats who are waiting for you."she told both rosepaw and nightkit.she picked up sweetpaw's body by the scruff and began to walk tawards camp.


  148. Nightkit looked away, still embarrassed about what happened earlier. "Starclan has a right not to forgive us. We had to kill them, we were hunting so hard, and just to get a scrawny mouse? But, it's all up to Starclan."


  149. honeyfern looked back,"echoleaf's in starclan,if i know my sister,she would never let starclan punish inicent cats who did tounghting but protect themselfs."she told nightkit before starting to walk tawards camp again.


  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. Rosepaw padded after her mentor without a second glance back at the clearing of dead rogues. Halfway back to camp, Rosepaw kept stumbling and tripping. Once she fell straight down a rabbit hole with a shriek of surprise. She clambered out, feeling as if her ears were on fire. She looked at the ground so that she wouldn't meet Nightkit's eyes. ((What does he think of me now???)) she wondered helplessly. ((He must think I'm a clumsy, pathetic excuse for a cat...!))

  152. "are you alright?"honeyfern asked rosepaw,stoping for a moment.


  153. Nightkit's eyes widened in surprise. "Y-you're ok, right? I don't want you to be going to the medicine cat den! I won't see you then..." Nightkit glanced away, hoping Rosepaw didn't hear the last sentence. She didn't hear that right? I'm giving off too much clues for her...


  154. (Okay, Honeyfern, please come back to camp with them and tell Miststar! And not to be pushy, but .. can Rainfall have her kits!!)

  155. [yes and yes!is tonight okey?]

    honeyfern,helped rosepaw up and a few moments later they were back in camp.

    [see camp clearing.]

  156. bluetail,ran,ran and ran till her paws ached.then she stoped and looked around.she was on the far side of the beach.what am i doing here?she thought.she paded tawards the water edge and kept adding fawards,till the water was half way up to her legs.then she lay down and relaxed.she let the current wash over her and let it take all her trobles with it.after awhile she fell asleep in the water.[it's not that deep and she's on and angle so her head is above water,but not all of her body.]


  157. (Bluetail, Greyfrost isn't here at the same time as you. He's alone.)

    Greyfrost ran to the waters edge, and sat down, letting the water wash over his paws. He gazed at the flowing river, then looked through the trees at the blue sky above. "Mama? Dovecloud?" he meowed, "If your're up there in StarClan right now, I need your help. Your advice." He sat a moment, letting the soft breeze blow through his fur. "My heart is torn. I love them both, Windpelt and Stormfrost. I don't know what to do," His ears laid back and he stared at his paws. A tear fell into the water, and made a tiny splash, like a raindrop.


    (Hey Windpelt and Stormfrost, if you want you can act like you got there in timr to hear him!! XD)

  158. (oo yay!!! lol)
    Just then, Stormfrost ran up, then stopped short as she heard his words. Glancing behind her, she saw that Windpelt wasn't there yet. Padding up slowly, she mewed cautiously, "Greyfrost? Are you okay?" >I'm torn too!< She wanted to yowl. >I love you, Greyfrost!< Stormfrost felt so happy that Greyfrost loved her, but she felt depressed that he was unhappy. Right then and there, she decided to tell him.
    "Greyfrost...I love you, too." She stopped, trembling, but straightened up and soldiered on. "But...if being with W-Windpelt makes you happier, then go ahead, because I love you too much to let you be sad, but I...I don't want to let you go! Oh, Greyfrost, I'm torn too..." Stormfrost let her words drift off, and she felt tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Greyfrost. I wish you didn't have to choose."

    (ooh!! drama!! XD)

  159. Greyfrost said no words. he sat for a moment, then licked her nose. "I wish I didn't, ether. And...thank you. At least I know you are ok with ether choice, though you'd rather have me be with you," He sighed and meowed. "And who ever I chose, I will always love you both," He sat for a moment. Then said, "When Windpelt catches up, I think she should know about this,"


  160. Windpelt raced up here. "Hey! There you are!" she smiled, but quickly faded into worry when she saw the saddened look on the two cats' faces. "What's wrong?"


  161. Blinking gratefully at Greyfrost, she turned to Windpelt. "Hi, Windpelt," she sighed somberly. Stormfrost didn't know how to say this. " you like Greyfrost? Like, do you love him?" Her eyes were wide, and she tried her best not to look like she wanted the other she-cat to say no. She looked at Greyfrost, a helpless look in her eyes. Stormfrost couldn't believe what was happening. She was never this distraught. How did she get into all this drama?

  162. Greyfrost had a cal, get saddened look on his face. "Take as much time as you need to think it over, Windpelt. I don't want to rush you," he meowed. He stepped away from the water, so his paws didn't get more wet. "B-Because..this isn't easy for me to say. Stormfrost knows...but I didn't have to tell her because she over heard me say it to myself. And I think you need to know," he meowed, then paused nurvously. "I love you. But, It's not that easy...because I love Stormfrost, too." He shuffled his paws, preparing himself for anything that Windpelt would say, but everyone stayed silent. "I-I don't know exactly how it happened, but I love you and Stormfrost. And...I don't know what to do. Stormfrost...loves me too. And so, the only thing we can do know is...ask you how you feel," he meowed, then all was silent again, except for the sounds of the foest around them.


  163. Windpelt saddened. "I would love you if you chose me. But I'll be fine if you choose Stormfrost, I'll still be your best friend." Windpelt smiled half-heartedly, eyes full of sadness. "We've said our answers Greyfrost. Now it's your choose." She looked curiously at Greyfrost, noticing Stormfrost was doing the same. The thought, Who will he pick? lingered in her mind.


  164. (that answer helped a lot supprisingly. i knew you kept saying that but I guess I just needed to hear it from Windpelt.XD)

    Greyfrost stood a moment. He looked at the sky, then closed his eyes.

    He heard his mother's voice:
    I cannot help you, son. This is your desision, follow your heart and think of others'.
    (they're like really close, Dovecloud always gave him advice and stuff!)

    Greyfrost opened his eyes and looked at Stormfrost, then at Windpelt. He smiled, yet was still a litttle heart-broken. He padded forward to Windpelt, and licked her nose, making Stormfrost sadden even more. Greyfrost looked Windpelt in the eye and said, "Sorry, but I chose Stormfrost...but there is one thing I can do for you. I will do my best to keep Willowbreeze from hurting you. That's a promise," Then, he turned to see Stormfrost's brightened face, and rushed to her. He licked her face and meowed, "I love you, Stormfrost," with a purr in his voice. He turned and looked back at Windpelt gatefully. He had wonderful mate and a true friend, and now felt happy with his choice.


    (The key words that helped him coose were, that Windpelt would love him if he picked her, but Stormfrost ALREADY loved him. I hope everyone's happy! =3)

  165. scorchfoot,paded up to bluetail who was fast asleep in the water.her lay down in front of her and licked the top of her head."wake up sis.."he told her gently.a few moments later her eyes opened."what are you doing here scorchfoot?"she asked him."making sure i don't lose another sister."he anserwd her.she looked sadly down "i would never make you and mom sufer more."she told him sencerly.he noded in understanding."why don't we get back to cmp?honeyfern will be worried sick,if we don't get back soon."he teased.bluetail's eyes began to sparkle with laughter."i bet your right."she anserd,getting up to leave.slowly both of them walked back to camp,happly.


  166. Willowbreeze was finally able to track Windpelt's scent down, although she did hear a few bits from her conversation with Greyfrost and Stormfrost. She shuffled in a little closer to listen.


  167. Stormfrost purred and twined her tail with Greyfrost's. "I love you, Greyfrost. More than ever," she murmured. But then she stopped, glancing over at Windpelt. "I'm sorry, Windpelt. I don't blame you. Or anyone else, really. Love is a strange thing, and I-" she choked on her words. "And I really hope you don't hate me now and that we can still be friends." Stormfrost bowed her head, taking comfort in the warmth of her mate's fur and his sweet scent.
    Suddenly, she froze, sensing a cat close by. Scenting the air, she recognized a familiar CloverClan scent. "There's someone there," she warned. "Windpelt...I think it's your sister," Stormfrost growled as she dropped into a fighting stance.

  168. "Oh no..." Willowbreeze thought. We slowly started backing up, but a twig snapped beneath her paws.


  169. Greyfrost was suddenly more serrious. He smelt the air and scented Willowbreeze. He remembered what he had just promised Windpelt, and vowed not to break that promise. He followed the scent to a nearby bush and growled, "Willowbreeze, get out here! We know you're here, so show yourself or prove you're a coward," Greyfrost unsheathed his claws, full of anger. And this time, he didn't even try to push his anger away.


  170. *She ran through the forest until Silverkit slipped and fell on the sand.*

    Silverkit! What are you doing?


    Trying to get up, if you didn't notice me fall.


    *He ran past his littermates and jumped into the sand, rolling on his back.*

    This is fun! come on Sharpkit, let's play!


    *He rolled his eyes at Dewkit, but went to play in the water until all four kits were squealing as they splashed water, or spraayed sand over each other.*


  171. Willowbreeze stepped out of the bushes. "Hello Greyfrost,"


  172. "And hi Stormfrost and Windpelt."


  173. "How's my little sis doing?"


  174. Windpelt growled. "What do you want now?"


  175. "Ya, what are you doing here? Spying? Seems like just the thing you would do..." Greyfrost hissed. "I'm supprised you haven't been exiled from CloverClan yet, guess Miststar's just busy," He stood beside Windpelt, he knew she could fight for herself, but he was ready to fight Willowbreeze, also.


  176. "Ha! I knew it! You did like Greyfrost!" she laughed.


  177. Windpelt glared at her, holding her guard if her sister starts attacking. "Prove it."


  178. "Then why were you guys just having that conversation, HUH???"


  179. Windpelt glanced down for a moment, but looked at Willowbreeze, eyes as angry as ever. "What's your problem, sneaking behind cats and going into their personal life?"


  180. "I'm just curious!" Willowbreeze was smiling, for some weird reason.


  181. Windpelt growled. "Then go bring your curiousness elsewhere, like our brother! He died not long ago, and your here spying on us!"


  182. Willowbreeze ignored her comment. "Listen, I just want to be happy for once, but apparently your not making that happen. We're sisters for Starclans' sake! Even if we fight, you're gonna have to show a soft side to me sometime."

    (i'm gonna make her nice....just a teeny bit)


  183. (peh you)

    "Yeah, we're sisters, and sisters don't nearly kill each other!" Windpelt growled, clearly not believing a word her sister said.


  184. "Sisters fight. It's not a common issue, but they do." Willowbreeze meowed, while padding a little closer to Windpelt.


  185. "Yes sisters fight, but sister fighting isn't with tooth and claw." Windpelt gave her sister a hard glare, placing one paw behind the rest, preparing for Willowbreeze's attack.

