Miststar jumps onto High Rock and calls the clan together. "We have Honeyfern, Echoleaf's sister, joining and she just recently gave birth to four kits and. Cloverstreak is exspecting Stormwater's kits, too. Also, Wolfstorm and Seamist were hurt in the battle with LakeClan and it has yet to heal. They no longer can hunt or fight properly and wish to become elders. Stormbringer finally gave birth to her kits, but they were born dead and she suffered a horrible birth and also cannot hunt or fight right. Seamist, Wolfstorm, and Stormbringer, is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and join the elders?"
"It is."
"Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given us. I call upon StarClan to give you many seasons of rest. I would also like to sadly say that Brightdawn, Snowfern, and Moonbreeze also suffered injuries in that battle that have now caused them to die. Please sit vigal for them tonight. It is also time to name new warriors, but first, I ould like to note that Bramblepaw has gone missing. Okay, Leafpaw, Fernpaw, Duskpaw, Ravenpaw, and Flamepaw, do you all promise to uphold the warrior and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do."
"Then py the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. From now on, you shall be known as Leafpool, Fernflower, Duskfall, Ravenwing, and Flametail. StarClan honors your loyalty."
(BTW, go to the second post below this one and enter the caption contest if you haven't done so.)
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3 years ago
Ravenshadow! Fernstream! Ravenshadow! Fernstream! :D Finally Warriors!!